

A few words from Vincent Legendre, the Chairman of the Board

“The world is changing and so does the Legendre Group. We are ready to take on tomorrow’s construction challenges.”

“In a complex economic environment, the Group has known how to adapt and innovate in order to meet the expectations of a profoundly changing society, to answer public entities concerns, companies and citizens claiming for safer and more environmentally friendly models of territory’s development.

Within the Legendre Group, we don’t see these upheavals as a constraint but more like an opportunity. The opportunity of being a major player of the urban transformation. We work towards a responsible way to build the city of tomorrow. We work to create buildings of the future and long-lasting solutions

With a long-term vision of our trades and the values we hold dearly for 70 years, we are expanding our activities, using our expertise to serve the needs of our clients and improve users and inhabitants’ comfort.

From design to operation, through construction and marketing we can adapt to every need, providing a custom-made offer.

The Legendre Group has strong ambitions for its historical trades that are construction, real estate and energy, but also for its new activities that will create an efficient growth relay for the future.

Today, even more than yesterday, we need to develop new expertise and markets, like we always did, while keeping our construction contractor’s DNA. This new page, it is Legendre 3.0”


Vincent Legendre, Chairman of the Board

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, created at the end of 2015, is in charge of the Group's strategic decisions and direction. It meets at least once a month, with Vincent Legendre, its chairman, joined by five General Managers: Alain Girard, Pascal Martin, Olivier Roualec, Bertrand Ruaux and Denis Motard.

Vincent Legendre

Olivier Roualec

Alain Girard

Denis Motard

Grégoire Charmetant

Supervisory Board

A Supervisory Board was created on 1st January 2016. Presided over by Jean-Paul Legendre, it works alongside the new governance system to manage the Group's strategic direction.


Jean-Paul Legendre


The CoLege, former Executive Committee, has been "leading" the company on a daily basis since 2011. Its role is to share the vision of the Board of Directors and the Group Strategy with all company managers. Through doing so, It fosters communication about the Group's strategic axes and their applications.

